E-Rock Christopher
Aura Fire Safety, a San Francisco fire sprinkler inspection company, offers valuable fire safety tips for local San Francisco restaurants, due to a recent arson outbreak. Over 50% of restaurants are not properly prepared for fires that can ruin a business.
(Newswire.net -- July 3, 2014) San Francisco, CA -- Each year fires kill more people in the U.S. than all natural disasters combined. Recently, San Francisco has been the victim of an arsonist (or group of arsonists) going on a rampage burning dumpster after dumpster. When it comes to an arsonist we are addressing a specific group of people who have complex motives justifying the harm they manifest.
Typically, the news reports these types of citizens as having some type of mental illness, unusual family history, even being attention seekers. Despite the reason, the end result is always the same – millions of dollars in damage and in extreme cases, the senseless loss of life. With the outbreak of arson fires, Aura Fire Safety is offering valuable information on how restaurant owners can protect their valuable property.
How do Fire Sprinklers protect my San Francisco Restaurant?
Did you know 57% of restaurant fires involve cooking equipment? That is an astonishing number when it comes to fire safety. According to data tabulated by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) in Quincy, Mass between 2006-2010 around the United States nearly 8,000 restaurants reported a fire each year costing an annual average of $246 million in direct property damage. Unfortunately, these numbers have not slowed down.
Fire Safety: San Fran Restaurants
It doesn’t help your cause when arsonists are setting dumpster after dumper on fire throughout San Francisco, as reported by Holly Quan from CBS San Francisco. Despite codes and measures San Francisco has in place to ensure fires will be suppressed, preventing arsonists from creating destruction is an entirely different beast few enjoy thinking about, but a serious reality for those living in San Francisco.
Staff Training is a MUST
As a restaurant owner you already have a lot on your plate, no pun intended. This is why you hired a team to run your business. Now you need to take measures to ensure your staff knows the correct actions to take to prevent a fire.
Your Restaurant Staff should be familiar with:
- How to properly use a fire extinguisher.
- How to properly use chemical solutions.
- How to properly store flammable liquids.
- How to maintain a clean kitchen by removing grease.
What if a fire happens on accident?
Remember, you can’t control every event in your life, but you can be prepared. Proper training is essential when it comes to fire safety and it starts with the people who are nearest to you. They need to know how to protect themselves and how to guide customers to safety.
Don’t assume everyone on your staff knows what to do. Take the time to have a team meeting and get everyone on your staff on the same page. The difference of a thirty-minute training session has the ability to save you millions of dollars in potential fire damage.
Here are a few key things your Restaurant staff should know when it comes to fire protection:
- Never throw water on a grease fire, doing so will cause the grease to fly and fire to rapidly spread.
- Have an evacuation plan in place. Give everyone on your team a role should you need to evacuate your restaurant. Your staff should be familiar with exits, fire extinguisher locations and the lead manager of the day should be responsible for calling 911.
- Train your staff on how to power down your restaurant. Plan for this type of training every few months so your staff feels comfortable with the steps they need to take to ensure proper fire protection.
- Keep the workspace clear of fire hazards. This means everyday making sure paper products, food, trash, are away from heat and cooking sources.
Having a fire sprinkler system installed is a smart preventive measure IF used correctly. Most of the time fire sprinklers are perceived as smoke detectors – we see them on the wall and think they’re working. But how many times have you checked your smoke detector and realized the battery needed to be changed months ago?
Fire sprinklers are the same way. Most people set them up and forget they exist. We assume they’re doing their job 24/7. Having them installed in your restaurant is great, but in order to be truly effective in fire protection there are a few things to remember.
If you have a sprinkler system installed, be sure to check the following:
- Has the fire sprinkler system been inspected and tagged by a qualified contractor within the past year?
- Is there at least three feet of clear space around sprinkler connections and valves?
- Are spare sprinkler heads and an appropriate wrench installed in a cabinet near the sprinkler riser?
- Are sprinkler control valves chained open or maintained by a fire alarm system?
- Is the fire department connection on the outside of the building free of obstruction and are the caps in place?
By taking these critical preventive steps, a restaurant owner can significant reduce their risk of fire damage. Even with these precautionary measures, it may be worthwhile to consult with an expert to ensure that the business is completely protected from possible fire damage.
Visit www.AuraFireSafety.com and look for our case studies and check out what our clients are saying. If you want to speak with a fire specialist don’t hesitate to call and give us a call at 415 – 881- 4402. Our business hours are M-F, 9am – 5pm PST. Our staff is here to help. Call now to ensure your restaurant is setup for success against any potential fire disasters. Our turnaround time is within 24 hours so expect to see results.
To Contact Aura Fire Safety about Fire Safety:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aura.fire.safey
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